Caroline Boff
I Paint So I Don't Hurt
Acrylics on Stretched Canvas
101.6 x 76.2 x x 4.4cm
Copyright Caroline Boff. Photography Andrew Bovill. Photo Stacy Ropati.
I Paint So I Don't Hurt came to me after viewing photos of a pretty yet icy landscape. It's sharpness was apparent and it felt cold and a bit heartless....
I Paint So I Don't Hurt came to me after viewing photos of a pretty yet icy landscape. It's sharpness was apparent and it felt cold and a bit heartless. This painting was an antedote to that emotion and increasing the colour certainly helped me. For me art is a powerful and poignant vehicle for expressing myself, my muses and my emotions. I find painting does offer me some sort of catharsis in creating it and later in viewing it myself. I work from home and enjoy looking at my paintings when relaxing in my living room. Apart from my travels and my loves, my muses and my art give me the power and ability to communicate and to be myself in this psychologically pressurised world.