Caroline Boff
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The Yellow Brick Road is of course a nod to the wisdom of the Wizard of Oz, following your dreams, beach life and happiness. There is also a slightly darker side in terms of the uncertainty of where the path might lead. But we all have to keep going forward and experience what life has in store for us. The poem on this painting, by Maya Angelou is one of my favourites. It is okay as a woman to be sassy, sexy and have your own mind and confidence, you just have to own it, love it and love yourself. I feel that as women we are blessed with a divine creativity and source of wonder and love. We should nurture this and look after it. I believe men should also behold women as the wondrous creatures that we are as we add so much to the world in terms of peace, love and passion.
I love flowers, the beach and the sea. When I'm around water my mood changes and I feel highly nourished and elevated as well as meditative and connected to the divine. Relaxing around water is one of my most favourite things to do in the world.